Denne tabel viser Differensen = UTC – Standard (lokal) time
UTC (Zulu tid) = Standard (lokal) time – Differensen * -1
Standard (lokal) time = UTC (Zulu tid) – Differensen
Ny tid:
1.jul 2015, Pyongyang, North Korea, sktft fra 8:00 til 8:30
Caracas, Venezuela, sktft tilbage til -04:00,(2007-2016 = -04:30)
Tidszonetabel, UTC +/- timer:
UTC (GMT) | -12:00 | | International Date Line West | Dateline - Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -11:00 | Y | Midway Island, Samoa | Samoa Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -10:00 | X | Hawaii | Hawaiian Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -09:30 | V* | Iles Marquises | Iles Marquises Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -09:00 | V | Alaska | Alaskan Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -08:00 | U | Pacific Time (US and Canada); Tijuana | Pacific Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -07:00 | T | Mountain Time (US and Canada) | Mountain Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -07:00 | T | Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan | Mountain Standard Time (Mexico) |
UTC (GMT) | -07:00 | T | Arizona | US Mountain Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -06:00 | S | Saskatchewan | Canada Central Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -06:00 | S | Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey | Central Standard Time (Mexico) |
UTC (GMT) | -06:00 | S | Central Time (US and Canada) | Central Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -06:00 | S | Central America | Central America Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -05:00 | R | Indiana (East) | US Eastern Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -05:00 | R | Eastern Time (US and Canada) | Eastern Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -05:00 | R | Bogota, Lima, Quito | SA Pacific Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -04:00 | Q | Caracas | Venezuela Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -04:00 | Q | Manaus | Central Brazilian Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -04:00 | Q | Santiago | Pacific SA Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -04:00 | Q | La Paz | SA Western Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -04:00 | Q | Atlantic Time (Canada) | Atlantic Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -03:30 | P* | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -03:00 | P | Greenland | Greenland Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -03:00 | P | Buenos Aires, Georgetown | SA Eastern Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -03:00 | P | Brasilia | E. South America Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -02:00 | O | Mid-Atlantic | Mid-Atlantic Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -01:00 | N | Cape Verde Islands | Cape Verde Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | -01:00 | N | Azores | Azores Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | 00:00 | Z | Casablanca, Monrovia, Reykjavik | Greenwich Standard Time, UTC Coordinated Universal Time |
UTC (GMT) | 00:00 | Z | Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London | GMT Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +01:00 | A | Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna | W. Europe Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +01:00 | A | Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague | Central Europe Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +01:00 | A | Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris | Romance Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +01:00 | A | Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb | Central European Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +01:00 | A | West Central Africa | W. Central Africa Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +02:00 | B | Athens, Bucharest, Istanbul | GTB Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +02:00 | B | Cairo | Egypt Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +02:00 | B | Harare, Pretoria | South Africa Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +02:00 | B | Helsinki, Kiev, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius | FLE Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +02:00 | B | Jerusalem | Israel Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +02:00 | B | Minsk | E. Europe Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +02:00 | B | Windhoek | Namibia Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +03:00 | C | Baghdad | Arabic Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +03:00 | C | Kuwait, Riyadh | Arab Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +03:00 | C | Nairobi | E. Africa Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +03:30 | C* | Tehran | Iran Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +04:00 | D | Abu Dhabi, Muscat | Arabian Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +04:00 | D | Baku | Azerbaijan Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +04:00 | D | Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd | Russian Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +04:00 | D | Tblisi | Georgian Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +04:00 | D | Yerevan | Caucasus Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +04:30 | D* | Kabul | Afghanistan Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +05:00 | E | Ekaterinburg | Ekaterinburg Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +05:00 | E | Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent | West Asia Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +05:30 | E* | Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi | India Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +05:45 | E** | Kathmandu | Nepal Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +06:00 | F | Almaty, Novosibirsk | N. Central Asia Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +06:00 | F | Astana, Dhaka | Central Asia Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +06:00 | F | Sri Jayawardenepura | Sri Lanka Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +06:30 | F* | Yangon (Rangoon) | Myanmar Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +07:00 | G | Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta | SE Asia Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +08:00 | H | Krasnoyarsk | North Asia Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +08:00 | H | Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong SAR, Urumqi | China Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +08:00 | H | Irkutsk, Ulaanbaatar | North Asia East Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +08:00 | H | Kuala Lumpur, Singapore | Singapore Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +08:00 | H | Perth | Australian Western Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +08:00 | H | Taipei | Taipei Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +08:30 | I | Pyongyang | North Korea Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +09:00 | I | Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo | Tokyo Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +09:00 | I | Seoul | Korea Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +09:00 | I | Yakutsk | Yakutsk Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +09:30 | I* | Adelaide | Cen. Australia Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +09:30 | I* | Darwin | AUS Central Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +10:00 | K | Brisbane | E. Australia Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +10:00 | K | Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney | AUS Eastern Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +10:00 | K | Guam, Port Moresby | West Pacific Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +10:00 | K | Hobart | Tasmania Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +10:00 | K | Vladivostok | Vladivostok Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +10:30 | K* | Lord Howe Island | Lord Howe Island Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +11:00 | L | Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia | Central Pacific Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +11:30 | L* | Norfolk Islands | Norfolk Islands Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +12:00 | M | Auckland, Wellington | New Zealand Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +12:00 | M | Fiji Islands, Kamchatka, Marshall Islands | Fiji Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +12:45 | M* | Chatham Islands | Chatham Islands Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +13:00 | M** | Nuku'alofa | Tonga Standard Time |
UTC (GMT) | +14:00 | M*** | Line Islands | Line Islands Standard Time |
Bemærk: Denne tabel viser Differensen = Standard (lokal) time – UTC
Benytter man en tabel som nedenstående hvor Differensen er vist med modsat fortegn,
hvilket ses nogle steder, beregnes UTC og lokal tid på følgende måde:
UTC (Zulu tid) = Standard (lokal) time – Differensen
Standard (lokal) time = UTC (Zulu tid) – Differensen * -1
Natos tidszone angivelse med det fonetiske alfabet, af UTC +/- timer.
| | | |
+12 | y | Yankee |
+11 | x | X-ray |
+10 | w | Whiskey |
+9:30 | v* | Victor |
+9 | v | Victor |
+8 | u | Uniform |
+7 | t | Tango |
+6 | s | Sierra |
+5 | r | Romeo |
+4:30 | q* | Quebec |
+4 | q | Quebec |
+3:30 | p | Papa |
+3 | p | Papa |
+2 | o | Oscar |
+1 | n | November |
| z | Zulu |
-1 | a | Alpha |
-2 | b | Bravo |
-3 | c | Charlie |
-3:30 | c* | Charlie |
-4 | d | Delta |
-4:30 | d* | Delta |
-5 | e | Echo |
-5:30 | e* | Echo |
-5:45 | e** | Echo |
-6 | f | Foxtrot |
-6:30 | f* | Foxtrot |
-7 | g | Golf |
-8 | h | Hotel |
-8:30 | h | Hotel |
-9 | i | India |
-9:30 | i* | India |
-10 | k | Kilo |
-10:30 | k* | Kilo |
-11 | l | Lima |
-11:30 | l* | Lima |
-12 | m | Mike |
-12:45 | m* | Mike |
-13 | m** | Mike |
-14 | m*** | Mike |
| |
Fonetiske alfabet ikke brugt i tidszoner |
j | Juliett |
De Danske: |
æ | Ægir |
ø | Ødis |
å | Åse |